Expensify Training

Welcome to Expensify and Stampli Training material post.  The following material is designed to help you get the most out of Expensify and Stampli.


Stampli and Expensify Quick Reference:


INVOICES SUBMIT TO (PDF ONLY)newvistas@mystampli.com (instead of billing@payzoom.com).

RECEIPTS SUBMIT TO:  receipts@expensify.com For credit card or reimbursements.




Go to stampli.com and log in if you don’t want to find an e-mail link.

Invoices for your approval will be e-mailed to you.

Allocate invoices:  Click on add new line towards middle of page.


EXPENSIFY     Three lines top left = Menu

MILEAGE:  Tap Menu, Expenses then + sign then Distance, Choose preferred option

REIMBURSEMENT: Tap Menu, Expenses then + sign then Expense

CREDIT CARD EXPENSES:  These will come in already attached to a report with your default company, choose account and class code and type in comments (What was purchased, why)

If the expense is not for default company follow Cross Company Allocations below.



Expense will automatically come in attached to a report with the company/policy you have as your default.

Tap the expense to pull it up and change the report to “None” tap save.

Create a new report:  Menu, Report, + sign, edit.  Change the policy to the company you want the expense to go to. Save.

Tap “Add Expense”  and add the expenses for that company then allocate the expenses and tap approve.

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